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Innovation in the Workplace to Improving Employee Wellbeing - What can be done?

Writer's picture: Reiner Kraft, PhDReiner Kraft, PhD

Improving Wellbeing in the Workplace

The ongoing impact of the pandemic has brought to light significant challenges in maintaining the well-being of employees within organizations. Burnout rates continue to rise globally, with 42% of the workforce reporting it—a 2% increase since the previous quarter and an all-time high since May 2021.

Moreover, there is a global surge in chronic diseases post-pandemic, affecting millions of individuals. In the US, an estimated 129 million people have at least one major chronic disease, such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity, or hypertension. Additionally, a substantial percentage of Americans have multiple chronic conditions, with 42% having 2 or more, and 12% having at least 5. The numbers in Germany are similar with 49.1% of the population with at least one chronic disease (see study of RKI 2021). 

When focusing on mental health, particularly depression, 8.3% of adults in Germany report depressive symptoms within the last two weeks. Women are slightly more affected, with 8.8%, compared to 7.5% of men.

These concerning trends underscore the crucial need for companies to prioritize the well-being of their employees

Environmental factors like war and economic uncertainty, along with the enduring effects of long COVID and Post Vaccination Syndrome, are contributing to these challenges. It is imperative for organizations to explore ways to enhance support for their employees' overall well-being.

Reflecting on these developments, the critical question arises: 

What actionable steps can companies take to provide better support for their employees' well-being? 

As you can imagine, there is no silver bullet!

Many companies jumped into providing mental health apps and services in the past years. The mental health apps market size was valued at $5.05 billion in 2022 & is projected to grow from $5.72 billion in 2023 to $16.50 billion by 2030.

However, each company has its own unique culture and DNA

There is an art in figuring out how to best take advantage of these offerings and implement certain internal programs that better support employees mental health and wellbeing. Usually an off-the-shelf solution may not provide the desired results. 

I think there is great potential for innovation to implement truly effective programs that deliver measurable results. 

Since 2012, I have been working intensively on how to sustainably optimize your mind and body and have now invested more than 10,000 hours of my time in this. My research in the areas of epigenetics, functional medicine, mitochondria, nutrients and neuroscience is supported by over 800 references. During this time, I have completed numerous training courses, attended seminars and worked with many experts in this field.

My motivation, when I founded The Mindful Leader, was to create coaching and mentoring programs to help motivated individuals and leaders in tech to take advantage of the latest science finding to upgrade their body, mind, and increase their overall resilience levels. I worked with many individuals during the past years, and helped them achieve breakthrough results that impacted both their personal life and business role. 

In 2024 my focus was on figuring out scalable solutions for the workplace so companies have new options to better support their employee’s well being. 

As a seasoned tech leader myself, I know everyone is busy and whatever program is made available, it has to be practical and fit into a busy schedule

Furthermore, it has to be a data-driven approach to make improvements transparent

By leveraging the science of epigenetics and functional medicine, I incubated a program “Ft with Epigenetics” that can be customized and adjusted to integrate well into a  company’s culture. 

The details of the program are here:

How does it work? 

  • There are monthly focus topics within epigenetics with weekly videos and instructions on how to acquire valuable knowledge of important health skills. 

  • It is designed for an audience who likes numbers and an agile approach.

  • Supported by a learning platform and a monthly webinar, participants can discover new perspectives for their wellness strategy to improve their resilience and well-being.

  • Modern technology for on-site analysis makes successes transparent. Innovative oxygen wellness therapies for the workplace are also available as an option.

If you’re curious while reading this and would like to explore this further within your company’s context, I offer a complimentary brainstorming call. 

Let’s collaborate and introduce a healthier workspace for the upcoming challenges of this century! 



1 Comment

Aug 08, 2024

Как я рад, что есть место, где мы можем пообщаться на счёт новостей, ведь именно этого так иногда нехватает, когда ты можешь высказать свою точку зрения. Так же в этом вопросе нужно иметь качественный новостной портал, который будет тебе предоставлять качественную информацию. Как хорошо, что у меня есть такой новостной портал и он предосталяет мне все новости, сейчас я больше удиляю внимания финансовым новостям, к примеру: как собрать инвестиционный портфель, что даёт мне больше представления о том, что именно происходит непосредственно в сфере инвестиций и финансов. Таким образом, благодаря такому качественному новостному порталу, я всегда нахожусь в курсе событий и могу более объективно оценивать события и новости.


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